Sunday, April 7, 2013

BizTalk Server ESB Toolkit Service ESB.ItineraryServices.Generic.Response.WCF Fails to browse

If you browse this service after installing and configuring ESB toolkit then you receive one of the error depending on if you are using BizTalk 2010 or BizTalk 2013:

BizTalk 2010

Error 855000: Could not find schema file for SOAP header 'ItineraryDescription' at path C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft BizTalk ESB Toolkit 2.1\Web\ESB.ItineraryServices.Generic.Response.WCF\App_Data\ItineraryDescription.xsd

BizTalk 2013

An ExceptionDetail, likely created by IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults=true, whose value is:
System.ArgumentException: The value could not be added to the collection, as the collection already contains an item of the same type: 'Microsoft.Practices.ESB.ServiceModel.Helpers.SoapHeaderMetadataBehavior'. This collection only supports one instance of each type.


By definition, Generic On-Ramp services are meant for not passing the itinerary details with the message and so they don't need to have ItineraryDescription. This is how One Way On-Ramp service also works. However this ESB.ItineraryServices.Generic.Response.WCF On-Ramp service expects to have soap header with Itinerary description as per its configuration but from a deployment perspective there is no ItineraryDescription.xsd in the folder and as a result this error is returned.


The solution to this problem is to disable soapHeaderMetadata in Web.Config file so that WCF does not try to load the SoapHeader information. So within the serviceBehaviors node change soapHeaderMetadata node attribute enabled=false as follows and recycle the IIS application pool:

soapHeaderMetadata enabled="false"


Anonymous said...

Tried this and it worked in my Staging environment. Surprizingly, this works absolutely fine in my DEV environment without any changes to web.config. The only difference between DEV and Staging is that DEV is single server installation and Staging is 2 BizTalk server installation.


Unknown said...

This issue has been fixed as part of BizTalk 2013 CU2 update

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